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Susan has been in my corner for over 2 years and what a tremendous rock steady support she has been. My spirit knew I was created for more than a corporate job, most days it felt like chains. A tugging on my heart and soul, guiding me to a different path, led me straight to her. Through this journey there have been days that felt" like mountains to cross, but with her help, perspective, and a few laughs it all started to feel achievable, and I saw the opportunity to change the direction of my life. She helped me shine a light, in what sometimes felt like a dark tunnel, a light that helped me find my way! I sit here now writing you after leaving my corporate job 5 months ago and pursuing my dreams and living the life i was designed for. Trusting in myself and understanding that the universe truly does support us has awakened a different part of me I did not know existed before. Without a shadow of doubt, I know I was led to Susan - She is what my heart and soul needed at that exact time in my life. Her graciousness, guidance and coaching helped me face all of my road blocks to a new path of self discovery and for this i will forever be thankful.


Finding Susan was a serendipitous moment in my life. After our first session I remember feeling seen and heard for the first time since I was nineteen years old. She reminded me of the power that I have within my soul. With her grace, support, and guidance I made a wildfire out of a glowing spark. I no longer apologize for my fire; I embrace my vulnerability.


As I faced losing my job I turned to Susan for coaching to help with the transition. For the first time in my life I wanted to control where I would be in my future. I wanted a coach that would help me cultivate my inner desires, strengths, and talents. I wanted to find meaningful work, not just a job. Susan is to coaching what a gardener is to a plant. She may plant a seed, set you in the light, care for your wilted past, water your ideas, and cheer as you bloom! Her actual tools are questions, strength assessments, journaling, affirmations, goal setting and more. With a balanced mixture of discussion and practice I gained much needed confidence and direction to go after the life I dreamed of. I was packed in some pretty hard dirt and turning it over took some time. Susan gave me tools to help me see that I am worth the work and I could do it. It has been at least a year and I am continuing on the path we started. I feel I continue to grow and bloom. I have meaningful work and my income continues to strengthen. Susan’s coaching really moved me forward so much faster than I could have imagined. And now, the sky’s the limit!


When I first started working with Susan I was in the worst place of my life. I had just lost my life partner and had no sense of anything. Over the past 18 months Susan has led me to find a version of myself I would have never discovered on my own. With her guidance I have been able to find a comfort in being independent and discovering what makes me happy. She is an incredible person and I am so grateful she has taken the time to help shape my future into something I can look forward to and be excited about.


Susan's coaching offers something very unique and extremely helpful. She has the uncanny ability to work from both an intuitive and compassionate place, thus simultaneously offering a safe environment and the structure needed to get you to where you want to go! She listens with intent, ‘hears’ the cues that may be causing both emotional, and logistical blocks, and navigates from there. She has helped me narrow my focus to attainable tasks or “chunks” which has afforded me the luxury of not feeling, or getting stuck on the overwhelm, but rather a feeling of success to achieve the goal at hand.

Her discernment is to be noted. Again, this comes from the intuitive piece of her knowing exactly what questions to ask, perhaps give a nudge to where something may need a little more examination and knows exactly where to simply honor where the client is showing up that day. As an artist, her background and passion for human connection, authenticity and creativity is a perfect assist in doing the work I need, the work I desire to achieve my goals both personally and in my creative career.


I have been working with Susan from Agile Hearts for the past year or so, and I am so glad that I found her. She has helped to transform my life in a way that I could only have hoped for.

We have worked together on some recent issues that have affected my life, and that has been amazing, but the real shift that has come about was working through some long-term trauma that has never been addressed. I never thought it would be possible to not only accept the past but to embrace it and hold it as something to be grateful for.

I am truly thankful for Susan’s professional and knowledgeable support and direction that has put my life back on track. She has always been super responsive and really cares.

I am glad to have Susan as a coach and a friend, I would happily recommend Susan to anyone, it is great to have her ‘in your corner’!


I’m tough., It’s not easy for me to take advice, let alone be coached. I base my decisions on facts. I can be opinionated, controlling, protective, and some would say I’m in my head a lot. I have gone to great lengths to make sure I’m right. I work every day for the future to be more successful, and as hard as I work, I wasn’t where I thought I should be by now, I wasn’t happy, I wasn’t fulfilled by my deeds nor the money. If anything, I was frustrated in realizing my goals were somehow empty. I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. This all changed, and I found my own answers with Susan’s help. Working together, my energy shifted, I saw new possibilities, I got a completely different prospective on what and why I get stuck. If you're tired of doing the same thing, knowing you’re not happy, you will not find a more skilled, professional certified coach! With great thanks, I enthusiastically recommend Susan Hilger for Coaching & Mentoring


"Susan is kind, compassionate and wise! To me she is one of the most Beautiful souls I've been lucky enough to know, and I get to have her as my coach! 

My journey working with coaches began three years ago when my children lost their father. I was lost and going through an incredibly difficult grieving process, alongside my children. 

Many days, if not every day, I felt like I was losing control, losing myself and my kids. Little did I know I was about to find ME! 

I was about to develop a love and respect for myself and also a healthy relationship with my children. 

A year after working with Susan my home is filled with more love than ever before, and my once broken heart feels healed and very strong! It feels whole. 

Susan's wisdom and guidance changed the trajectory of my life! She has given me an incredible amount of wisdom, that I will carry with me for the rest of my days. 

I've made gratitude, journaling, meditation, prayer and affirmations my daily ritual. I've become more grounded, balanced, aware, and more confident! 

Go out in the world and find yourself a Susan, a coach, a friend, an accountability partner! Whatever you have to do, to find you! 


© 2024 by Susan J. Coaching

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